Ocean is a home of sea creatures and it is wonderful.
What are suitable things that can live in oceans?
Humans are not suited to living in the ocean.Unlike marine animals,we do not have the features that would help us survive there.These features are called adaptations.
How does plants can survive in the oceans?
Sunlight reaches all the way to the ocean floor.All plants need light to grow and with so much light,there are many plants here.
What are the oceans hunter?
Sharks are example of oceans hunter.A blue shark usually hunts alone.
Oceans are a place for sea creatures live.So that, people need to protect them.
I felt happy when I do this project.But then,it's a little bit hard
and it takes time for me to make this project by myself.It is really
getting me confused to make the blogger.But,when I tried many times,I can make it and i felt happy about it.I make sure that my post is already been posted.